Type of massage that takes place on a special chair designed to take the weight off the spine. With this effective massage, it is easier to focus on the high-tension areas of neck, back, shoulders, arms and hands, producing therapeutic results in a brief period of time.
This mobile chair massage is ideal for private events like weddings, birthdays, spa parties, but also to pamper and thank the work of employees in offices, schools, adult day care, and so on.
Also, it can be a great gift for small business employees on important dates like Mother’s and Father’s Day, Christmas, Teacher Appreciation Week, company anniversaries, and more.
We massage an average of 4 to 6 people per hour and per therapist; and if you have more than 15-20 individuals, we can schedule 2 or more chair massage specialists to work at the same time. We have the highest quality chair massage services in Miami, with a professional staff and a competitive price.
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